If your vehicle is in the right of way for plowing, sanding or other necessary roadwork to maintain the roads, including but not limited to pothole repair, winter maintenance and emergency road work, you will be towed.
Please be mindful of speed when passing by heavy equipment working and trucks plowing/sanding.
This is your notice to keep vehicles out of the right of way so that our road contractor can perform the work needed, or your vehicle will be towed.
Thank you,
The Emerald Lake Village Board of Commissioners
Dear Neighbor,
In an effort to better maintain our roads during the winter months, Emerald Lake Village District is asking all residents to refrain from parking and/or placing objects on District roads at all time from November 15th through April 1st.
Short term parking for a few minute, using four way flashers, is acceptable as long as licensed driver is within visual sight of the road.
Vehicles and/or objects in the District right-of-way for extended periods of time are subject to removal at your expense.
ELVD roads are much narrower than most roads. Although the District right of way extends 40 feet wide, many of our roads were constructed to less than half that width. Any vehicle that reduces the width of a District road creates a significant hazard to other residents and prevents proper maintenance, grading, and plowing of District roads.
Thank you for your cooperation.
The Emerald Lake Village Board of Commissioners
SUR construction will continue work on the following roadways this week: Gould Pond Road, Greenfield Drive, Portion of Bog Road, and connection to Seminole. During this period Traffic delays may occur as well as intermittent water interruptions while connecting/ disconnecting from Temporary water source to permanent water sources.
SUR construction will also be working on the Rainbows End, Raven head and Midnight Walk area for temporary water connections and Main line excavation and installation. There may be intermittent water service interruption or traffic delays during this period. Please work with SUR construction and be patient when the equipment is in the roadway. Please plan for the extra time needed to enter or leave the roadway in these areas.
If any added assistance is needed, Please reach out to Commissioner Taber via email (info@elvdnh.com) or phone (603-831-4130).
Thank you for your understanding in advance,
ELVD Board of Commissioners